Innovation at NYU – Poly

One of my friends might get a patent attached to his name. Something to do with sliding doors! He is pretty happy about it. Sliding doors – sounded pretty lame to me at first but when he told me about the benefits, I was pretty impressed. So I said to myself; I go to an engineering school what are the other developments going on around me.

And so the search began! I didn’t have to look very far. It seems that at Poly Innovation is second nature.

The “TIME WARNER CABLE INNO/VENTION COMPETITION” was a good place to start. Cheap Solar Power – the PolyStar, Electronics that aid walking – VibroWalk and a recyclable printer.

NYU-Poly Students Create The Next Big Things: Cheap Solar Power, Electronics that Aid Walking and a Printer that Recycles

Moving on I come across another exciting invention, cheap biodegradable plastic

Using Yeast to Build a Better Plastic

Artificial intelligence? Done. Artificial leadership?

Follow the (Robotic) Leader!

A lone innovator.

All Lit Up: Senior Billy Gordon shines as an inventor

All this and much more…. !!!

This goes to show that innovation is all around. We just have to keep our eyes open for the next big thing!


– Anson Gomes

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